What is a Discipleship Band?
A discipleship band is a group of 3 to 5 people who read together, pray together, and meet to become the love of God for one another and the world.
Who is a Discipleship Band for?
Anyone who desires to grow in love for God and neighbor.
Who Should I Ask to Be in a Discipleship Band with Me?
You may choose people in your life who you already feel a sense of spiritual connection with or friends whom you have known for some time and who also have a desire to grow deeper in their faith.
What if I Am Already in a Small Group?
Hopefully your band is complimentary to other groups you are involved with. This group will probably be smaller than other groups you are in and will have a different focus.
Why Are Bands Made up of Members of the Same Gender?
It is recommended that bands are a single gender to increase the ability to share openly and honestly.
Ready to begin a discipleship path or have questions? Contact us here to get started.